May 25, 2021
This three-part miniseries centers around Deep Listening®, the lifework of composer, musician, writer and humanitarian Pauline Oliveros. Aspects of this creative and meditative practice are shared from the perspectives of Sharon Stewart, Tina Pearson and Lisa E. Harris, Deep Listening certificate-holders.
In the third and final mini-episode Sharon Stewart asks Deep Listening practitioner, interdisciplinary artist, creative soprano, and composer Lisa E. Harris from Houston Texas to tell us about her connection to Deep Listening and share with us some scores she has written. For those of you who love participatory vocalising, this one is for you!
Sounding Places - Listening Places was commissioned by ArtEZ Studium Generale. Interviews, texts and voice overs by Sharon Stewart and Joep Christenhusz. It is produced by Ondercast for Studium Generale ArtEZ. Studium Generale curator for this series: Catelijne de Muijnck