Nov 28, 2022
In the three-part podcast
series Listening to the
In-Between we will put the rich practice of Deep
Listening® into a broader context. In our second episode, Deep
Listener Sharon Stewart invites us to participate in embodied
rituals of attention, a practice
of listening to or sensing aspects of power and powerlessness in
the world that surrounds us. This
reconnected her to the
ground-breaking work of Audre
Lorde, “Uses of the
Erotic: The Erotic as
In 2021 we made the podcast-series Sounding
Places / Listening Places, which is
still available at Radio ArtEZ. In it we explored how sound and
listening can contribute to realizing more sustainable and
reciprocal relations with the earth. Back then, we already dipped
our toes in the world of Deep Listening®. In the three-part podcast
series Listening to the In-Between we will put this rich
practice into a broader context.
In Part I, researcher and music journalist Joep Christenhusz
explores Deep Listening, its connection to space and time, and the
interrelations between the outer and the inner world the practice
reveals through sonic awareness.
In this second episode, Deep Listener Sharon Stewart further
connects the idea of an embodied practice with the theme of power
and powerlessness by working with others through the creation of
text scores, also conceptualized as rituals of attention, that
offer a way of listening to or sensing aspects of power and
powerlessness in an embodied way. After an open call, Laurens
Krüger (student DBKV ArtEZ Zwolle) and Martine van Lubeek (graduate
of BEAR ArtEZ Arnhem) participated in this process. Laurens
presents her “Triangle Dance with force fields” and Martine her
“Score for Thinking-Feeling with the Earth”, a score to bring us
into relation with the more-than-human elements all around us.
In the final third of the podcast (from 32min on), Sharon
Stewart talks about how Audre Lorde’s work inspired her in creating
a text score from the perspective of our theme: the Body and
Power(lessness) and presents the score “Listening through
connection and difference”.
In the third and last part of our podcast series we will dive
deeper into theoretical concepts related to Deep Listening.
Show Notes
In the podcast you hear the following audio fragments:
- Pauline Oliveros, Stuart Dempster, Panaiotis, Album Deep
Listening, track 1, ‘Lear’, reproduced by permission of PoP
and MoM Publications. (Pauline Oliveros Publications & Ministry of
Maåt). All Rights Reserved. Members ASCAP
- Fragments from: Audre Lorde reads
Uses of the Erotic: The Erotic As Power (FULL Updated) This
chapter was originally a paper presented at the Fourth Berkshire
Conference on the History of Women, Mount Holyoke College, August
25, 1978, and was later published as a chapter in Sister
Outsider. Copyright ©1984 Audre Lorde and The Crossing Press,
a division of Ten Speed Press, Berkeley, CA. Also available in a
Penguin edition, 2019.
Reading and Listening
From Martine:
- Kimmerer, R., Returning
the Gift, 2021, from the website Humans and
Nature. This essay originally appeared in Minding
Nature, Vol. 7, No. 2(Spring 2014).
- On the more-than-human:
Pathways to Planetary Health Forum: David Abram on the
More-than-Human World, Garrison Institute, 15 June
- “The eco-phenomenologist Abram (1996) was responsible for
popularizing the concept of a more-than-human world and expressing
everything that encompasses terrestrial "nature" in its broadest
interpretations. According to the author (ABRAM, 1996), the
expression refers to a world that includes and exceeds human
societies, thereby associating them with the complex webs of
interdependencies between the countless beings that share the
terrestrial dwelling. This approach aims to overcome the prevalent
modern dichotomy between nature and culture.” Carlos Roberto
Bernardes de Souza Júnior in More-than-human
cultural geographies towards co-dwelling on earth.
Mercator - Revista de Geografia da UFC, vol. 20, no. 1, 2021.
Universidade Federal do Ceará, Brasil. (Accessed 25 Nov. 22)
- Kimmerer, R., YES! Magazine. (n.d.). “Nature
Needs a New Pronoun: To Stop the Age of Extinction, Let’s Start by
Ditching ‘It’.”
- Escobar, A. (2016). Thinking-feeling with the Earth:
Territorial Struggles and the Ontological Dimension of the
Epistemologies of the South. AIBR, Revista de Antropología
Iberoamericana, 11(1), pp.11–32. doi:
From Laurens:
- The article by Michel Foucault that helped me to crystallize
some thoughts that fuelled me in my motion was: “The Subject and
Power” in: Brian Wallis (ed), Art After Modernism: Rethinking
Representation (New York, 1984) p. 417–432. Originally
published under the title “Why Study Power? The Question of the
- During the creation process of the score, the melody and
movements of the “Ave Maria” by Schubert played an important role
for me, as sung by Renée Fleming, for instance.
From Sharon:
- 5 Oct. 2022, ArtEZ Zwolle, Sophiagebouw and Conservatory:
Extreme Slow Walk – Listening to the In-Between.
- Ed McKeon,“Moving Through
Time,” published on APRIA in September.
- Anthology
of Text Scores by Pauline Oliveros, 2013, Pauline Oliveros,
Kingston, NY: Deep Listening Publications.
- The Center for
Deep Listening at Rensselaer
- Essays and talks by Audre Lorde, from the compilation The
Master’s Tools Will Never Dismantle the Master’s House,
Penguin Books. Copyright © Estate of Audre Lorde, 2017:
- “Poetry is Not a Luxury”
- “Uses of the Erotic: The Erotic as Power”
- “Uses of Anger: Women Responding to Racism”
- “Learning from the 1960s”
Most of these essays were first given as papers at conferences
across the US between 1978 and 1982
- Audre
Lorde - To be young, lesbian and Black in the '50s. Audre Lorde
describes her experiences growing up as a Black lesbian in New York
City in the 1950s, touching on subjects such as frequenting gay and
lesbian bars in the Greenwich Village and communal-style living
experiments. She reads excerpts from her book, Zami: A new
spelling of my name. Recorded at Hunter College in New York.
Produced by Helene Rosenbluth. Credit
To : Pacifica Radio Archives
Date Recorded: at Hunter College in New York, 1982.
Date Broadcast: KPFK, 28 Nov. 1982.
Audre Lorde, "Power"
from The Collected Poems of Audre Lorde. Copyright © 1978
by Audre Lorde. Source: The Collected Poems of Audre
Lorde (W. W. Norton and Company Inc., 1997)