Nov 26, 2019
Bio Orchestra is a collaboration project with
Plant Physiologist Sander van der Krol, from the department Plant
Physiology of Wageningen University. Based on the
knowledge and methods of Wageningen University, Tom Kortbeek is
developing a plant orchestra by translating growth data into sound.
This interdisciplinary project tested the applicability of art and
science throughout the process. In this podcast we are going to
listen to the process development in this Art -Science project.
What kind of story do you want to tell as an artist? What are the
potentials, and pitfalls of an interdisciplinary project like
this? And of course Tom performs the actual plant music made
with the Bio Orchestra.
Link to Fillip Studios Bio
Intro and outro music: De Raad van Toezicht.
(Song: Snake.)
Website: https://www.deraadvantoezicht.
Intermezzo’s by Lotte Bijl
Composer plant music: Falk Hübner