Oct 6, 2020
Eventually I’d have to disappear
Podcast on the traces we leave behind as artists, and how to work
with them ethically, philosophically, artistically.
Chapter two with Anna Schlooz
Dieuwke talks to ArtEZ Theatre in Education- graduate Anna Schlooz
who is now studying Autonomous Art- Performance in Ghent about
real-life maps; the body of documentation; and a rhizome as
political tool for documenting your work.
Also in this chapter: skype lessons on documentation and the
archive by Tina Madsen, and again, the amazing music of Warner
Music and sounds: Warner Slump; Anna Schlooz (trailer for her play
Volg Mij)
Made possible by ArtEZ Studium Generale
Special thanks to Dennis Gaens and Joke Alkema